I'm Drew.

Lead Cinematographer, Editor, Storyteller

From a young age, I've always been fascinated by the powerful medium that is cinema. For years I obsessed over the art - yearning to learn and perfect the craft for myself. That fire never burned out, which brings me here today.

I studied at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, where I earned my B.A. is Film Studies with a concentration in documentary filmmaking. With a background in television production, documentary production, as well as short film production, I am dedicated to letting your moments unfold in real time in an uninterrupted manner, coupled with my eye for stunning imagery and cinematic finesse.

One of the leading drivers of my business is my personality and the idea that I’ve built my business with a servant’s heart. I was raised to always put the best of others above the best for myself - to remain selfless in any and all things that I do. That has always been who I am, and it’s always been my mission to emulate that throughout my business, whether it be towards a couple or a fellow vendor.

Polished visuals, heart-driven work ethic, and emotional story-telling defines my style of work. My goal is for each client to be able to re-live every aspect of their wedding day the way they want to through their wedding films. During our transaction, my couples understand that their unique love story is important to me, resulting films that feel like you.




my approach

My process is formulated in a manner in which my clients are kept comfortable, relaxed, and present. A laid back and hands-off approach coupled with the upmost excellence and professionalism enables my couples to truly be at ease on their wedding day, allowing them to truly enjoy and appreciate their wedding festivities.


Drew Coleman Films vows to produce motion pictures that are true.

True to who you are.

True to the emotions of your wedding day.

True to your love story.

Your wedding day and your marriage are important to me. It is my duty to effectively and precisely capture the authenticity of your wedding day. My team and I aim for our films to serve as a time capsule that places you right back in the very moments of your precious day.